
This educational list of books, essays, journals, scholarly articles, documentaries and online resources is an accessible open resource designed to expand upon our knowledge and understanding of textiles and textile narratives.

Fray: Art and Textiles Politics

Bryan-Wilson, J. (2017) Fray: Art and Textiles Politics. University of Chicago Press

Queer threads : crafting identity and community.

Chaich, J. and Oldham, T., (2016). Queer threads : crafting identity and community. Los Angeles, CA: Ammo Books.

Kenneth Ize Loom Exhibition, Ghana

Kenneth Ize Loom Exhibition Ghana (2021). Celebration of Nigerian weaving and his use of artisans to produce the fabric for his fashion collections.

Textile craft producer Jordan River Foundation’s collaborative design development with IKEA.

Siamwalla, J., (2019) Textile craft producer Jordan River Foundation’s collaborative design development with IKEA. Masters Thesis: The Swedish School

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom

Wall Kimmerer, R. (2020) Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants

Consumed: The need for collective change; colonialism, climate change & consumerism.

Barber, A. (2021) Consumed: The need for collective change; colonialism, climate change & consumerism. Arlington: Brazen

Textiles of Japan

Murray, T. and Soenksen, V., (2018). Textiles of Japan. Prestel: London.

“Andean Textiles.” In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History.

McHugh, Julia. “Andean Textiles.” In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–

Hirbawi Textile Factory: The last Keffiyeh factory in Palestine

Click to watch and discover more

Decorating Dissidence

Web platform home to Decorating Dissidence a project investigating political, aesthetic & conceptual qualities of craft processes.

The Fabric of Civilization: How Textiles Made the World

Postrel, V., (2021). The Fabric of Civilisation: How Textiles Made the World, [S.I.]: Basic Books.

The Subversive Stitch

Parker, R., (2019). The Subversive Stitch. London: Bloomsbury.