History of African indigenous costumes and textiles

Mastamet-Mason, A., Muller, K. and van der Merwe, N., (2017). History of African indigenous costumes and textiles: Towards decolonising a fashion design curriculum. Design Education Forum of Southern Africa.

Available at: https://www.defsa.org.za/papers/history-african-indigenous [Accessed 4 January 2022].

Image reference: Image from article of Herero woman in blue dress in cow dance pose. Full Reference: Watson, L 2013, ‘The Namibians who STILL dress like their colonial masters: Tribe clings to 19th century dress “to protest against the Germans who butchered them”’, News Article, The Daily Mail UK, viewed 24 September 2017, <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article- 2286624/The-Namibian-women-STILL-dress-like-colonists-Tribe-clings-19th-century-dress- protest-Germans-butchered-them.html#ixzz4tg3E76Ra>.